This Wedding's event under the named 'Utara Selatan Photography' (me & bujal).
Event: Wedding HAslina & Tahir Location: Restoran Penang Village, Ampang Date: 10th April 2010 Custom album will attach later.. in progress.. waiting for it ya...
Pulau ketam... 1st time outing with other photogs.. pergh.. ramai gile rupenye photo kat KL nih... haha.. best2.. byk gile captured photo but ni je lah upload.. tenet slow.. thn depan upload lg.. wahahahaha...
Freelance photographer in Johor, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor... But still accept demands from other region. Wedding, Potraiture, Landscape, Outdoor, Indoor, Event, Modelling etc. So, lets me take ur photo as a diary of your life.. and click.. price? jgn risau, masih bole runding n pastinye adalah terbaek tuk anda!!! (^_^)V